Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Business of Writing

It sounds so romantic, sitting in your ivory tower at your cleared desk with you computer and all those creative thoughts. Well, it isn't romantic, but it is fulfilling even though you're in a closet that is your office with a mess on your desk next to your computer. You still have all those creative thoughts that you had in the car on the expressway or while you washed the dishes or walked to get the mail. They itch to leave your fingers as they hop across the keyboard of your Apple. And when the day is finished you feel like you've let go of ideas and people and places that needed to be out and about so they could meet the world around you.
I spent several days editing the first book and writing the second one. I don't think the first book will ever be finished until it is published. The second one is coming along much faster. I think I've learned somethings about putting words on paper that say what I mean. Now for two days I've been researching agencies that might connect with my first book and therefore be willing to represent me to publishers. Lots of them are not a good fit and though that is discouraging it is good to find that out and not waste their time or mine. One or two do. Today I submitted to one of them. They had a form to fill out. I filled it out and then the mayhem began. Technology and I don't get along when I am tired and by the time I got ready to hit submit I was apparently too tired. I punched submit and found that most of the form went to the agency blank. So tried again, only to clear it accidentally before I punch submit this time, luckily. Finally, I filled the form out, maybe not as well as I did the first time, but at least completely, and hit submit. I got a confirmation and it made it. The discouraging thing is that if they don't think I am right for them I won't know it until I wait and wait and wait and just am left to assume it wasn't a good fit. That is the way the business of writing goes these days because electronic submissions, though usually time saving, are so abundant that agencies don't have time to reply to all of them and still sell the books of those they can reply to.
If anything I'm persistent. I'll keep sending out my queries and I'll continue to polish and polish it, but I'll spend more time now on my mystery at least until I've gotten emails back from those submissions that said they'd get back to me.

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